Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Denali to Anchorage

On Saturday, we loaded up in a bus for a tour of Denali Park. It was a rainy and overcast day, but the beauty of that place couldn't be ruined by rain. We saw several of the animals...a mother Grizzly bear and her two cubs, caribou, and moose.

Park entrance

Momma Bear and Baby Bear

This rainbow was hugging the mountain.

Mount Denali was hidden until our drive to Anchorage on Sunday. We got some great views of the "High One" along the way.

The Alaska Range 

Our glimpse of Mount McKinley

We are camped in Anchorage for 5 days with several free days to explore on our own. We took a city tour on Monday to get familiar with where stores, restaurants and points of interest are located. We toured an Ulu factory, a fur exchange, and several other sites around town, including the world's largest sea plane harbor.
The gang

Mush! But where's Duke?

There were hundreds of planes! 
We have spent our free days doing everyday things like going to the grocery store and getting haircuts. Even the dogs got groomed!
Tomorrow, we will leaving early to take a glacier boat tour. More about that on the next post. Hopefully, we will have lots of good pictures to share.


  1. Betty... I have a couple of "cozy mystery" favorite authors, whose books are set in Alaska. Dana Stabenow's books feature a "Native" PI & SUe Henry's books feature a "musher". If you haven't read either, you might enjoy them now that you've been there, especially!

    1. I've read several of Sue Henry's books! Our wagonmaster sent us a book list, and I loaded up the Kindle before we left home.

  2. That's great! I love Sue Henry especially! I AM a bit worried about her, since she hasn't published anything in a couple of years. Dana Stabenow is great too!
