Monday, July 15, 2013

Tok, Alaska

We headed out for Tok, Alaska early on Sunday morning. First step, travel across the Yukon River on a ferry boat...a very small ferry boat!
I'm in the car driving onto the ferry.

So far, so good.

One of our fellow caravan group crossing the river.

Having safely completed that step, we headed up the road 11 miles to meet up with the caravan and begin the journey across the Top of the World highway, a gravel road with the most amazing scenery we have seen. We truly felt like we were on the top of the world. Butch said it was like being in an airplane and looking down. However, traveling 200 miles on mostly gravel was NOT fun. We were very glad we had a "bra" for the tow car to protect it from the rocks and gravel.

Our bra saved the windshield.

Back in the USA!

When we pulled into Tok, Alaska, our first stop was the gas station and car wash!

In Tok, we had a Survivor's Party. Dinner was Reindeer chili Yes, we ate Rudolph, and he was absolutely delicious! Then there was a pancake toss. Anyone successfully sinking a pancake in a bucket got a free pancake breakfast the next morning. Of course, Butch was the first to achieve that honor! He and a few of our group  cashed in on the breakfast this morning.
Bringing home the breakfast!
On our way to Fairbanks, we stopped off at North Pole, Alaska to visit Santa Land.

Santa Spike hears our wishes.

We are now camped for four nights in Fairbanks before heading to Denali.

Stay tuned...

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