Monday, July 8, 2013

Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada

We arrived in Whitehorse in the Yukon on Saturday, following the trail of the 1890's gold rush from Skagway to Dawson City. On the way, we stopped for a BBQ chicken lunch at Caribou Crossing and to visit the museum and see the Iditarod dogs of Michelle Phillips, the number one rated lady musher in Canada and the Yukon. This is their summer training place, and we got to hold puppies! Michelle and her family are joining us for dinner tonight and will share her stories about dog mushing and the Iditarod.
Can you tell I'm happy? Sure do miss my shelter dogs!

This grizzly was along the side of the road on our drive here.

Yesterday was tour day, and we visited the fish ladder and hatchery where they study the Chinook salmon, the only one strong enough to make it this far up the Yukon River. Only about 3000 make it here and are pretty thin and beat up by the time they do.
Art work at the fish ladder on the Yukon River.

Fish ladder to help the salmon up and over the dam.

We then toured the S.S. Klondike, a steamwheeler that carried cargo and passengers up the Yukon River.

Then, last night we attended the Frantic Follies. As you can tell from the following pictures, Butch got into the act on stage. He was the one picked out of the audience to come up and remove the garter off the leg of one of the can can girls, get a big kiss on the forehead, and then receive the Order of the Garter Award. Coincidentally, his uncle Bill Taylor was here several years ago and was also the one chosen from  the audience!

Butch on stage about to be initiated.

Go for it!

I don't think he enjoyed it.
 We are off again tomorrow, headed to Dawson City, Yukon, where we will spend 5 nights. After that, it's back to Alaska. Stay tuned....
*Reminder: Spike is posting pictures of our tour and updated it last night. There are several good ones of us! and click on 2013 Tour 2.


  1. Sounds like you're having fun

  2. Tons of fun! It's just been amazing.

  3. Sheesh...with the beard, that doesn't even look like Butch!! BUT it sure does look like a great time so far! Keep on having fun!

  4. Glad things are you with the puppy and the grizzly is huge. Butchie is always a you miss you just be safe......vicki

  5. With that beard I think I know something Homer can do around December to make a few extra bucks. :)

    Glad y'all are having fun.
