Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Anchorage to Dawson Creek

We left Anchorage on Friday morning headed east about 1200 miles to Dawson Creek, British Columbia. We arrived in Tok, Alaska the first night and camped at the same campground we stayed in after surviving the drive over the Top of the World highway (where Butch won the pancake breakfast). We were pleased to see Don and Pat, our Louisiana friends from the tour, were also there, so we traveled with them the next day and camped at a pullout along the highway on Saturday night before parting company as they were headed home a different route than we (or so we thought...they knocked on our door this morning!)
It's taken us 4 1/2 days to reach Dawson Creek, but this drive has rewarded us with the most amazing scenery we have seen so far, each day as wonderful as the last. There just aren't enough adjectives in my vocabulary to describe the beauty, so here are some pictures to give you a glimpse of what we are seeing. They just don't capture the vastness of the scenery, but you get the idea.

St. Elias range 

Headed for the border

Yukon territory

Gorgeous view in British Columbia
Black bear having breakfast along the road


  1. Wow...the next to last one is amazing!

    1. Marsh, I wish the pictures captured the real beauty. Most are taken through the windshield of the RV, and on most days, it's been hazy. But Alaska and British Columbia are amazing.
