Thursday, August 1, 2013


Our final spot on the tour is Kenai on the Kenai Peninsula. We camped on a bluff overlooking the water where it flows into the river. The salmon are running, and the Alaskans are dip netting just below us. You have to be a resident of Alaska to be able to dip net.

Looking down on the dip netters from the campground.

They line up on both sides of the river.

Looking up at the campground.

Just a block behind the campsite is the old Russian Orthodox Church and cemetery.

One more group shot

The Old Russian Orthodox Church

The chapel is built over the grave of Saint Nicholas who founded the church.

Kenai is where we said our goodbyes. We had a potluck supper on Monday night. Several people put together skits and poems to entertain us. Of course we got into the act!

Singing "North to Alaska"

We made up our own verses and choreography.

Some of the men on our last morning

Party at our place!

Duke and Molly say their goodbyes.

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