Wednesday, August 14, 2013

East bound and down...

We left Washington on Monday morning, headed south along the Oregon coast. We have heard it is a  beautiful drive, and it is but after driving for 8 hours in stop and go traffic, sometimes 30 miles an hour through the little coastal towns, we threw in the towel, and on Tuesday morning, turned east and headed toward Portland to drive along the Columbia River toward Idaho. Again we were rewarded with beautiful views, both of the coast and of the Columbia River, the border between Washington and Oregon.

The beautiful Oregon coast
 Betty found the bridges make great photo ops!

We stopped in Oregon at a family farm for fresh corn.

We camped last night at an RV park at a casino on an Indian reservation, and of course, we made a small  donation to the tribe. We head out this morning toward Utah, driving through Idaho. More to come...

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