Friday, June 28, 2013


Thursday was a travel day, and we are finally in Alaska...for two nights. After 29 days northbound, we have reached the southernmost part of Alaska on the Pacific coast. On Saturday, we will  cross back into British Columbia for a few days before we head to Skagway. All in all, we cross back and forth 5 times while on the tour.
We wanted to share a few of the pictures of our caravan as we made our way down the highway. It's very well thought out, and Spike talks to us via our walkie talkies all the way, pointing out things to see and sharing information.
We are camped in Hyder, Alaska. Not much to see in Hyder...about 100 people live here.
There is a wonderful viewing deck over the river where you can watch the bears come down to feed on the spawning salmon, but we are about two weeks early to see that here. We are going up to the Salmon glacier this morning.
And we're off!

All 22 rigs...northbound and down!

Alaska at last! This is right on the Canadian border.


  1. That is a really cool concept! Whoever came up with the idea of the guide touristing you that way was brilliant!, I'm gonna have to tell my friend (who loves Alaska) about it. She& her husband are taking their entire family on a cruise to Alaska right now... Maybe they should try this next!

    1. Let me know if they want to do this, and I will email his info to you. He is the! The information he gives you along the road is worth every penny! The last vehicle in the caravan is the mechanic. He doesn't leave until everyone is on the road, and he stays with anyone who has to pull out for gas or whatever.

  2. Is that really Butchie with a beard??? He's a manly man he's a mountain man.

  3. He and Curtie are just too much like..,,,,when can you call? I want to hear your voice
