Tuesday, June 11, 2013

R & R

The RV has had an oil change and been checked over, and we are good to go to Canada in the morning. For tonight, we are camped at the nicest campsite ever...a KOA. Heavily wooded, very private campsites, and oh, so quiet.
I (Betty) took Maggie on the Nature Trail...about a two mile walk around the park and surrounding area. There were signposts and pictures along the trail explaining the flora and fauna (that's plants and animals to some of you) and the history of the area. We are in the heart of Lewis and Clark territory along the Missouri River. It's just beautiful here, and the views of the valley and surrounding mountains are spectacular.
While Butch takes a nap, I am catching up on laundry at the camp laundromat. Tonight, we are having steaks (thank you Chef Mike),  then go on a "hayride" along the Nature Trail. And....S'Mores by the fire!
We aren't sure what our campsites over the next several days will have in the way of internet, so again...be patient if you don't hear from us. Just know we are having fun...wherever we are!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great!! Keep enjoying & keep in touch! (When you can).
