Monday, June 3, 2013

The first leg of our journey was spent in Arlington visiting with Ryan and his family, Betty's brother Tommy and nephew Kenny, and good friends Bill and Susan Paxton and Vicki and Curt VonDerAhe. It's always good to come "home" and see everyone.
We headed out early this morning driving north, through Oklahoma and into Kansas. We drove through Moore, Oklahoma on I-35 where the path of the tornado 2 weeks ago cut straight across the highway. The devastation we saw was unbelievable.

Our campsite tonight is in Salina, Kansas. It's been a 10 hour driving day, and it's time for cocktail hour!
Next big stop...Mount Rushmore.


  1. Lets try this again.....we will enjoy your adventure with you guys. Have fun and please be you guys Vicki
