Monday, June 24, 2013


We made it to Hazelton, our starting point with RV Alaska tours. Another beautiful spot along the river with mountains all around us.
Coming into this, both of us had the unspoken fear that we would be spending the next 34 days with a group of "old" people doing cheesy touristy things, and we are both very relieved that we are with a group of folks mostly our age that seem to be just plain fun.
We are very impressed with how well organized this is. We had a two hour orientation tonight and another scheduled for tomorrow night. Hopefully, everything will run smoothly as we travel along...all  19 RVs of us (39 people).
The two campers parked next to us are from Texas....Sequin and Georgetown...and another couple is from Louisiana. Believe it or not, he graduated from Pt. Neches high school and was a year behind Butch! They  didn't know each other, but what a coincidence. And then today, a new couple from Texas arrived. They now live in Kuntze, but were originally from Nederland, the town next to us.
We are at 'Ksan, an historical  Indian village and museum with a gorgeous campground. Wednesday we will tour the village and museum and top off our day with a pot luck dinner.
We will be here until Thursday, getting to know everyone and preparing the vehicles for the trip. Then we are off, headed to Hyder, Alaska for two days, then cross back into BC, and then will spend several days in the Yukon.
Our campsite setting at Ksan
Preparing the RV with a protective screen
Duke's new BFF, Molly. She's from Louisiana!

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! Kinda of freaky how much she looks like the picture. Love you guys......
