Thursday, June 13, 2013

Oh, Canada!

We crossed the border into Canada yesterday without any problems. Our steaks made it into the country fine! (We had been told they had to be marked USDA. Ours were unmarked in foodsaver bags, and I was NOT giving up my beef tenderloin!)
Our camp tonight is at Lake Louise. It's beautiful! We will get out and aboot  tomorrow and head over to the hotel and lake. Butchie is  buying lunch! We plan to spend two nights here chilling out with the bears before heading to  Jasper,
Entering Canada

Lake Louise ahead

Putting up the flag...Texas proud!

Time to relax!


  1. Jasper, as in Wyoming? Are you guys gonna be "bordee hopping"?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. No...Jasper, as in Canada. (And who are name on the comment).

  2. Oops...sorry Betty... it's Marsha & I'm having trouble working the comment section... I just assumed it would add my name, cause I had to enter it a bunch of times!
    I have learned a new Canadian fact... didn't know there is a "Jasper" in Canada! Of course, not too familiar with Alberta.
    Sounds like you're having a great time!

  3. Well, hi there cuz! We are! It's just so beautiful here, and the people are great.
