Monday, June 17, 2013

Prince George, British Columbia

Today, we drove about 350 miles, traveling from Jasper to Prince George, crossing from Alberta into British Columbia. We have about that far left to go until Hazelton, BC where we meet our caravan group, spending a couple of days getting acquainted before leaving on June 26 heading to Alaska.
This drive was as beautiful as we have seen. Beautiful snow covered mountains, lots of rivers and rapids, forests for miles and miles, and lots of critters...a black bear and her two cubs and a moose! We tried to get pictures of them but didn't get good ones.
We are planning on spending a couple of nights here to wash clothes, go to Walmart, and just regroup. After hours on the road, it's nice to spend a day or two taking care of "normal" chores. Besides, we're low on  staples, i.e. wine!

Totem Pole in Jasper
Driving to Prince George


  1. I am really enjoying your updates. I am escaping the Texas heat through your photos.

    1. Highs have been in the 60s...lows around 45 in the mountains. Heavenly!

  2. Oh-oh... Canadian wines can be problematic! Supposedly Ontario has some decent ones, but that's recent. Not sure about other privinces, but I'd look for Ontario ones.
    Again, the pucrures are beeyoouutifuull!

    1. Not when you buy cheapo like Yellowtail. But then, I'm not picky as long as it's a red.

  3. It looks like you are having a great time and boy is it ever beautiful. Glad things are going you and miss you Vicki

    1. Miss you, too!!! It is so beautiful and keeps getting better with every mile. Having a blast!
